Nunavut, the most northern territory of Canada, became an official separate entity from the Northwest Territories in 1999 through the Nunavut Act and Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act. It covers a significant portion of Northern Canada and ranks as North America’s second-largest country subdivision (after Greenland). With numerous outdoor activities available, including hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, boating, canoeing, kayaking, whale watching, dog sledding, mountain climbing, skiing, practicing photography, and observing the night sky, Nunavut’s vast expanse of land, nature, and activities provides an ideal setting for a magical mushroom trip.

Reasons to buy shrooms in Iqaluit, NU

The capital of Nunavut, Iqaluit, derives its name from “place of fish.” It is the territory’s largest community and only city, situated on Baffin Island’s northern end, adjacent to the picturesque Frobisher Bay, known for its ice-capped mountains and tundra valleys, providing a stunning backdrop for a magical mushroom experience. Iqaluit serves as the political, business, journalism, and transportation hub of Nunavut, and it also boasts a rich traditional Inuit culture, housing many Inuit artists, filmmakers, and musicians. Visitors can immerse themselves in local culture and history by attending two main events, the Alianait Arts Festival and the Toonik Tyme Festival, or by visiting the Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum.

Reasons to buy shrooms in Rankin Inlet, NU

Rankin Inlet, located on the northwestern Hudson Bay in Nunavut, is an Inuit hamlet recognized for its talented artists and artisans. It is home to the world’s only Inuit fine-arts ceramics production facility and serves as the transportation, health services, and business center of the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut. It offers an excellent destination for exploring during a psilocybin journey. Visitors can explore the Iqalugaarjup Nunanga Territorial Park to witness ancient Inuit traditions or travel to the stunning Marble Island, a quartzite island located northeast of Rankin Inlet, which can be reached within an hour by fast boat. Additionally, the immense 15-foot stone inukshuk in the Town serves as a remarkable photo opportunity.

Reasons to buy shrooms in Arviat, NU

The majority-Inuit hamlet of Arviat, originally known as Eskimo Point, is situated on the western shore of Hudson Bay in Nunavut’s Kivalliq Region. “Arviat” means “location of the bowhead whale” in Greek. It is now a top destination for nature lovers, providing unrivalled chances to see polar bears, beluga whales, birds, and caribou. The best way to experience the richness of wildlife in the region is to travel the terrain on skis or a snowmobile. The beautiful scenery and abundant wildlife make it the perfect setting for a fantastic mushroom trip. Tourists may also want to check out the McConnell River Migratory Bird Sanctuary to see gyrfalcons, peregrine falcons, snowy owls, swans, loons, and geese.

Reasons to buy shrooms in National Parks, NU

Nunavut is home to five National Parks, each providing a stunning backdrop for your next shroom adventure. Auyuittuq National Park features a skyline of granite peaks and glistening glaciers. Its tundra valleys are home to narwhals and ringed seals, with winding waterways to explore. Qausuittuq National Park is a collection of islands in a frozen sea, home to the endangered Peary caribou. Visitors can enjoy birdwatching, hiking, whale watching, and ski touring in this breathtaking location.

Quttinirpaaq National Park boasts shimmering ice caps and jagged black peaks, with its massive glaciers fueling wild rivers. The park offers a range of activities, including backcountry camping, hiking, ski touring, snowshoeing, mountain climbing, and photography.

Sirmilik National Park features expansive glaciers and valleys, offering the ultimate Arctic adventure. Visitors can enjoy backcountry camping, boating, kayaking, ski touring, bird watching, cross country skiing, motorboating, snowmobiling, hiking, and snowshoeing.

Ukkusiksalik National Park is home to an array of wildlife, including polar bears, grizzlies, Arctic wolves, and caribou, thanks to its rolling hills and lush tundra. Visitors can hike year-round or go snowmobiling in winter and motorboating in summer.